Urban beach dress

MAY 25, 2017

Hello ladies! I am right now so tired and busy, I'm so late in the writing of my master thesis and feel that I have no energy left. Less than ten days to finish it, and about one terrible month before (hopefully) my graduation and summer holidays. I'm exhausted to the point of crying in between classes and to sleep during recreation time. You really have to be motivated to become a teacher in France :p
At least, the weather these days is so good that I have to wear my summer clothes and help me stay motivated, thinking of the real thing ^^ And what better than a maxi flowy dress that screams vacation and fun evening drinking cocktails and eating fresh exotic fruits on the beach? The idea in the look was to give it an urban vibe to make it more city-appropriate, before swapping for flip-flops and straw hats! 
This amazing Shein dress, so soft with an even softer price seemed to me the perfect versatile piece that could easily be worn for both occasions. With the right accessories, minimal/sculptural sandals, leather and jacquard textured black biker jacket and the cutest bag + wallet for a nice contrasting pop of color, it was kind of easy to pull off this look for and afterwork party! I hope you will like it :)

Red superposition

MAY 18, 2017

Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I must first thank you for your comments and reactions to my latest analysis article regarding blogging. It's so important to me that we could share our thoughts on this subject, as it has been troubling me quite a lot recently - although what I am most concerned of should definitely be my master thesis. The title is (in case you're wondering what I am studying) : Support and develop the understanding of abstract notions in mathematics for allophone kindergarten students. And there's still so much I need to write before the end of the month!

Analysis: Are blogs dead?

( But not for the reason you would think of first)

MAY 14, 2017

Hi ladies, today I wanted to write something a bit different. As you may have noticed, I am barely expressing what I deeply think here, mostly because I feel that the blog should be a pocket of art and inspiration, sharing, something fun and positive to escape from everyday life.
But that's just the point: Recently, I happened to notice that "blogging" does not refer to the same thing as it used to, that is to say the "pocket of inspiration and casual sharing". The idea here will here to analyse why blogs in general are struggling and why it is even worse for those who are still "small".


MAY 11, 2017

Hello! J'espère que vous allez toutes très bien. En ce moment, je travaille comme une dingue sur mon mémoire de master... je le rends dans 3 semaines, donc la rédaction doit avancer! J'essaie tout de même de continuer à ménager un peu de temps pour les plaisirs et la photo, autant devant que derrière l'objectif :)
Et quoi de mieux que les premiers rayons de soleil sur la cathédrale de Strasbourg le matin pour photographier ce qui est probablement ma tenue préférée du printemps: un jeu de sublimes imprimés fleuris, avec un effet intéressant entre le fond noir et le fond rose pâle (j'adore le rendu!), le tout réveillé par une ceinture bordeaux  pour harmoniser l'ensemble et ce magnifique sac en bois à franges pour une touche bohème moderne. J'espère que vous aimerez! <3

Easy DIY : trendy embroidery top

MAI 08, 2017

Bonjour à toutes! J'ai enfin pu de nouveau faire un petit DIY pour le printemps :) Je voulais redonner un peu d'intérêt à certains vieux tops basiques que j'avais dans mon placard, et une des façons les plus simple de s'y prendre est d'adopter une des récentes tendances pour laquelle j'ai littéralement fondu: les détails brodés. Mais au lieu d'acheter un énième t-shirt, j'ai préféré transformer ceux que j'avais déjà. Et ça c'est révélé remarquablement facile en plus d'être super joli! Suivez le guide et partager si cela vous a plu! :)


MAI 04, 2017

Hello girls! Well, I have some pretty good news: my class inspection has gone well, and although my boss couldn't really tell me his decision, he was really positive in his remarks and everything he said could be understood as a really good sign. I'm exhausted but feeling quite relieved!
Now on to the outfit: I am usually not a pants girl, I'm more naturally going for dresses or skirts, that I find a lot more elegant. But recently, I felt like upgrading my casual jeans, pairing it with luxurious materials such as silk and delicate embroideries, plus this perfect studded leather belt. Once again, I think that combining textures can really change the feel of a super basic fabric such as denim and make it really sophisticated but still with that cool denim vibe! I hope you will like it, sound off in the comments if you do <3